My journey of healing and making a comeback.

My journey of healing and making a comeback.


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  PSL Logers

Welcome back guys and thanks for checking this out. So back on February 11 I tore my pectoral muscle with a measly 335 pounds. I was just getting to the end of my second week on D-bol and I was feeling awesome. I got 315 on a double with no help and I figured 335 would be a cakewalk. Unfortunately, life had other plans for me. I lifted the bar and as I got about 4 inches from my chest the top of my pectoral just collapsed.

I went to the hospital and they referred me to an orthopedic surgeon as they couldn’t do much. The orthopedic surgeon sent me to do a MRI and it was confirmed that I had a ligament tear. I had surgery last Friday and should be healed up and ready for physical therapy in about three weeks. The doctor said I won’t be able to work my chest out for at least six months but with peptides, HGH, and gear I’d like to prove him wrong.

I will be working my legs at the end of this week, and really focusing on calfs and legs and maybe some abs whatever I can do to work around this injury. I don’t know if any of you guys have ever had this injury before but I can tell you it sucks. Thanks everyone for following along.

Folow my recovery log  st :

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